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This speculative design project moves beyond human-centric perspectives, to offer fresh insights into the environmental crisis. Through the framework of a game's ontology, a fictional world was crafted, populated by characters embodying diverse non-human species. Within this world, each species operates under the premise of self-interest.

Tags Visual Design, Product Design, Design System
Research methods Quantitative Analysis, Domain Expert Interviews, Narrative Research
Primary tools Blender, 3D printing and Adobe Suite
Team Chun-Tien Hsiao, Raphael Smith and Mathew Chung


Speculative solutions for fictional scenarios, when rigorously designed, serve as potent triggers for discourse.


The United Nations and The British Academy collaborated with a team of student researchers from the RCA to curate an exhibit centred on reimagining non-human ecological stakeholders through a new lens. This initiative was deemed essential in light of humans' often blatant disregard for these stakeholders, driven by self-interest. Extensive data underscored the correlation between human activities and the accelerated degradation of these stakeholders' immediate environments.

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