

For portable DNA/RNA sequencers, Nurture is an operating system tailored to explore the personal applications of genomic data. Alongside being secure for storing sensitive information, Nurture fosters an ecosystem of user-discretionary apps (functions similar to iOS and the App Store).

Tags System Design, Interface Design, UX Design, Product Design
Research methods Stakeholder Interviews, Quantitative Analysis, Controlled User Observation
Primary tools Unity, C#, Adobe Suite, Photogrammetry and Figma


The encryption and interaction mechanism of a blockchain wallet and a blockchain can be used to secure/share medical data while ensuring privacy.

User Research / Why

The proliferation of portable genomic sequencing devices like the MinION from Oxford Nanopore has notably democratised access to RNA or DNA sequencing capabilities. However, a critical gap exists in personal digital use cases for the processed and analysed data.

As highlighted in discussions with Nick Goldman (EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute), there's currently no centralised system offering secure data storage with encryption and password protection. Moreover, there's a notable absence of a model ensuring multiple parties can access the same data from a trusted source without duplication.

Crucially, central storage of genomic data must prioritise preserving the confidentiality mandated by the data originator.

Diagram of a MinION

Diagram of a MinION

Nurture .gif

Solution / What
