Anatomy of my design framework

Anatomy of my design framework


Anatomy of my product dev process

Anatomy of my product dev process


orchestrated with Udio

orchestrated with Udio

orchestrated with Udio

orchestrated with Udio

orchestrated with Udio

orchestrated with Udio


Users want to Interact with 3D information over 2D.

Information absorption from spatial interfaces is higher than compared to 2D interfaces.

Spatial interfaces provide higher information and lower entropy compared to 2D interfaces.

3 DOF > 6 DOF.

Cognitive Landscape

Mimetic desire helps understand incentives.

Solve a problem for a small focussed rabid community at the start, they will signal to other users.

Conversations with users and ethnography > quantitative tests.

Tell the why / what / how of the product through storytelling via media.

Sell the feeling people desire, not the product.

Product Development

Edit Edit Edit, Simplify Simplify Simplify.

Simplicity is intention communicated with clarity and effortlessly.

Understand the problem by understanding the context of the user, use ethnography, conversations and at scale data analysis.

Get to the root of the problem.

Thinking from first principles prevents instinctive missteps.

Focus is rejecting a range of good ideas.

Cross functional prototyping mindset > indexing on expertise.

Being lean is important to discover new ways.

Solve the problem, don’t get infatuated with the tools.

Every product should start with a clear story, and it should evoke emotions.


Be guided by beauty.

Aesthetics and beauty can lead to a clear edge.

Constraints are important.

Don’t delegate understanding.

Signals from philosophy, psychology, anthropology (i.e. user’s cognitive landscape) should inform the UX / UI and Interactions.

Signals from philosophy, psychology, anthropology (i.e. user’s cognitive landscape) should also inform how the world-building aka the brand is designed.

Taste, in what to build and how the end experience works - is critical.

Simplicity complemented with care for detail enable beauty.


Innovation happens through 3 pathways -vertical, horizontal and on the experience level.

Only 3 moats exist - network effects, IP, a desirable world aka brand.

We innately crave innovation.

Von Willebrand gif.gif